Tech for Good Organiser Network Meetups are online events where members share what they have been up to, what they have learned, and where they need support.

Each Meetup is also a learning event, and has one or two presentations by members or external speakers.

Meetups are the best way to get to know other organisers in the Network and share what you’ve been up to. It’s also a great place to get support and peer knowledge from other organisers!

Meetup Structure

The meetups roughly follow this format:

Time Activity
0:00 - 0:05 Welcome & arrivals
0:05 - 0:15 Check-in activity
0:15 - 0:35 Presentation
0:35 - 0:50 Type in & fill in the updates document
0:50 - 1:00 Read & comment on each others updates
1:00 - 1:20 Chat & Discuss
1:20 - 1:30 Reflections & Closing Circle

However, some this does depend on the type of meetup.

Some may be topic-based, where people can opt to go into breakout rooms to have a conversation on a specific topic. Others may be more Matchmaking activities where you get to meet with other members and find / build connections.